Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Text Books

Well, my first time for something in college was buying text books! Yes, buying books is the worst part because you have to use your own money! These books cost me over 300 dollars!! And then the worst part about getting the books is that you have to wait in a line that's miles long because everyone is rushing to get their books because it's the beginning of the semester. 

Please make sure you save your money too or else you are going to have to save up while classes are going on, so therefore that means you are missing assignments! This is where I learned that those wonderful seven jeans could have waited... and those beautiful shoes with the really cool platform could have waited :(

I was so used to getting my books for free in high school, and just signing off a piece of paper to return it at the end of the year.. Well, I sure did get my wake up call, and it woke me up good! College will charge you for every ounce of your education, but I realized that it will be all worth it in the end! So I had to tell H&M, Forever21, The Shoe Factory and all the other places I shopped at that I will only be seeing them maybe once every two months, instead of once every week :)


  1. Brittany, buying books was always a surprise for me! You should look into sharing books...that is, finding someone in a class where your books are really expensive and going half-in, and then sharing the book. Or, try finding the books you need on Ebay or Amazon--oftentimes, the campus booksellers are not the best price. Good luck!

  2. I know my college had a book buy-back program that was great. After a course was over I could sell it back to the store to be able to put some of that money towards buying my NEXT set of books. I wonder if that's an option at your school. -Ms. Tipson
