Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sleepy Monday


This weekend I had a little extra time on my hands, and wasn’t worried so much about the books and studying, so I spent the whole weekend out with my friends! “Woot woot!”

I would go home, grab clothes and leave out again for another place.  But, in that midst of all that, I was throwing clothes, shoes, belts, and accessories all over the place trying to find things and rush out of the house to go party some more!! So, I finally came home Sunday to rest my body from the busy weekend and noticed that my room was a wreck! Ugh! I had a lot of cleaning to do and it was 10:00 pm at night AND I had class in the morning at 9 am!!

So I called my boyfriend and talked to him for a little while and realized it was now 11:30pm and I still had not cleaned my room, got my books and notes together, and I hadn’t picked out what I was wearing. I slowly stopped talking to my boyfriend, put the phone on speaker, sat the phone on the bed and quickly started cleaning my room. Shoes were flying in the boxes, clothes were flying in the hamper, and books were getting thrown into my book bag!

This took about an hour and a half because I was going back and forth with talking to my boyfriend and  cleaning my room.   And now it’s 1:30 am in the morning and I have bags under my eyes as I struggle to pick an outfit out for school.  I quickly threw something together and got in bed! Finally!! I set my alarm, and totally forgot my boyfriend was on the phone  ( oh well =p ).

“ Beep beep beep!!”, my alarm was ringing ridiculously in my ear, so I put it on snooze like 5 times. When I finally woke up it was 8:30am, which meant I was going to be late!  I was so tired and had to listen to my teacher’s lecture in front of the class without falling asleep. Never again will I spend all weekend out with my friends and not be prepared for school because it can make your mornings very irritable and crazy!

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